So many people sit around inquiring from the Lord, reading all sorts of prophetic literature, yet fail to weed out OT Levitical Phariseeism!
Most of these came from apostle Taveau’s TWITTER “EMERGE FROM CHURCH” August 5, 2016
(C)2016 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
Faith is isn’t faith, grace isn’t Bible grace UNLESS it ongoing reproduces abiding JAMES 3:17 Spiritual Pure Fruit in every RELATIONSHIP.
Our Definition: A healthy Patriarch, non authoritarian Matriarch, is a wise, steady, family anchor, chief of a clan; An Old Testament Levitical Patriarch, is one who is a NT Pharisee, Back Under the Law and often prone to self justify being an accuser; practices shepherding governing legalistic order. Also reproduces many MINI accuser legalistic Pharisees in the dutiful willing followers: “yeast of the Pharisees quickly spreads.”
RULES OVER RELATIONSHIPS: The oddest thing about OT Levitical Matriarchal, Patriarchal Western European Legalism: you can always tell that they are very curious about something they “perceive” on, within you..yet they back off, prefer to speculate and never ever venture forward for abiding JAMES 3:17 “RESPECTFUL ABIDING REAL RELATIONSHIP.” (Yet, in the NT Gospels, the always keeping tabs, accuser Phariees acted in this similar fashion with the non accuser Christ!)
Old Timey Religious Phariseeism: “brood of vipers” (Jesus red letters in Matthew 23); Modern App Savvy Media Phariseeism: “Brood of VIBERS”
Living Small Time: They mistakenly translated the meaning of THE GOSPEL (meaning GOOD NEWS) as THE GOSSIP.
IF we cease looking about at every one else thru lenses of O.T Levitical Rules, Legalism, we’ll be amazed at how few false prophets there are.
Self righteous legalism,devoid of all respecting up front RELATIONSHIP is simply dead works human RELIGION.
“After surviving multiple years of Western European prophetic accuser Phariseeism, I now say, “Bring on the anti-Christ!”
It appears that patriarchal shepherding Levitical government USUALLY (ONLY?) resides in Western European prone to move in the gifts ministry.
God openly rebukes the Lampstand apostle pastor for NOT rising up to confront the controlling religious Jezebel authority who was sowing false teaching ( in Revelation 2:19 the weak kneed church of Lampstand Thyatira), AND THUS we’re not going to 1) fail to fully submit to pleasing the LORD by not willfully governing with God’s Holy Spirit given authority nor 2) accept being CONTROLLED by any well intentioned submission or any other errant legalistic doctrine. 3) AND neither will WE use any known /subversive methods to wield CONTROL.
PLUS: NEITHER does this apostolic senior overseer name person’s by name from the oracle Lampstand Office, but points to some of their doctrines; AND out of sheer finding no-one who will give us the time of day to lovingly directly apostolic Matthew 18:17 (fully respectfully) “up front confront”..we now use “Big Subgroups” on very VERY exceedingly RARE Holy Spirit directed occasions. ONLY because the TIME IS SO VERY SHORT and so MANY are being betrayed (kept at bay by legalistic accusation in ministry, apostolic narrow minded, traditional accusative fellowship)by accusing harmful LEGALISM!! (meaning some name even well known Godly NAMES..on TV, RADIO, 5 fold office public office PULPITS)
And chief apostle Paul who was under Galatians 1:1-2 true chief apostolic spiritual authority, openly called out the “foolish, bewitched” local church elders who had gone backwards, BACK UNDER the limitations of the Law. (in Galatians 3)**
**Me really thinks: that they spied him from afar (minus any respecting up front RELATIONSHIP!) and accused him of “not being in SUBMISSION, as in REBELLION to their own form of AUTHORITY?
IF Heartbreaker Singer Tom Petty had lived in NT Temple Times, he may have recorded one hit with the words …” Live like a Pharisee..”
It was about 1974 when patriarchal shepherding was first introduced in New Wine Magazine. Before that it had been a healthy magazine.
Apart from all of that deep south OT covering shepherding, the big majority of church leaders were honorable, gifted and wonderful!
ONE REASON WE EMERGED: We felt uncomfortable being our real selves in the vast sea of so many rules conscious, “perfectly submitted” (Levitical Leader) LAW abiding, devoted followers!
A Pensive Consideration: Church Phariseeism has special methods of making itself feel good,safe and respectable by overhearing many others, to keep them at arms length. It equals REQUIRED SUBSERVIENT RULES and willing TRAINED HUMANS to manage persons…without any depth of RELATIONSHIP INTERACTION.**
**WE DULY NOTE: The accusation of many persons who do not abide, subscribe to the required In House Rules is the true deepest matter of all Legalistic Phariseeism.
APOSTOLIC PHARISEEISM is deemed efficient and effective as it saves personal time and wear and tear. (NOTE: which is not all bad…some of it is WISE..meaning: avoiding controlling persons, and over much wear and tear..but NOT Religious accuser Sin Spying Phariseeism)
Second level NON Ephesians 4 “commonly held First Church Bible doctrines” appear to be at the ROOT of all ACCUSATION” NT Apostolic Legalism
FIRST began ministry doctrinal observation while living in a very religious region where 5 fold ministers set themselves up to watch ALL!
The Gospels “Good News” as opposed to The Gossips. “spreading accusative false news”
Leader Doctrines produce relationship fruit which make or break the Fellowshipping with the Saints World Go Round. Say: I Preach JAMES 3:17
5 fold office ministry which follows famous well known, usually media, ministers R the most likely to avoid Matt 18:15-17 & Berate – Relate.
TO UNDERSTAND GENUINE Jesus Christ Real Leader Love: 1) KNOW WHEN to Role Model “Sweet Baby Jesus” when the Lord says to lay low, to turn the other check, to walk the extra mile. 2) KNOW WHEN the Lord says to RISE UP, HUMAN UP and UP FRONT TOUGH LOVE CONFRONT the religious mammon seeking temple leaders, even to toss over a few of their leader tables!**
**We need to note that Christ RESPECTED those UNDER The Law, He did not use demeaning language, model accusation, Hate Speech; neither did Jesus use weapons, violence!!
“I saw YOU do______!” “YOU did NOT do _____!”.. Signs of NT Levitical Phariseeism. Jesus says ” Repent.My blood COVERS you, no matter WHAT”
Overseers Gone Awry: “I came, I perceived, I judged, I spoke about what I THOUGHT that I “saw”, but I never went over to maturely RELATE”
Roman Patricians were the 80 aristocratic elite rulers of Rome, the slave holding, dominating Big I -Little You, Controlling Proud Crowd
Surely among the MANY who are apostolic mature, pure in heart, without any secret hidden agenda, there can be UNITY, REVIVAL in JAMES 3:17
Doctrinal Revelation: If I witness it 1st hand, in 3 or more unsafe spots/ in many US States I take that as a God’s prophetic sign to TEACH.
Being Organic: devoid of human synthetic additives (OT Levitical Law, Roman Patricianism, Big I’s, all bigotry, etc)
Equip on Ministry Relationships: Abiding Enduring, Overcoming JAMES 3:17 Spiritual Fruit: leader, lay, family, other
Small Minds- Large Open Mouths? Let us resurrect worship to include mature leader, lay RELATIONSHIPS. Honest upfront JAMES 3:17
First felt a call to study doctrine having grown up by pastor parents who were NOT “Back Under the OT Law” But got jumped by leader doctrinesD
GAL 3:1 Apostle Paul openly rebuked his fellow elders by calling them “foolish, bewitched” for going backwards UNDER OT Levitical Legalism. https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/gal/3/1/s_1094001
“When awash in the sea of apostolic Western European Phariseeism: there’s no place like Home. http://www.dfwleaderministryfellowship.org
WHY THESE EMERGED: We were among many 100s who were watched, judged apart from ANY relationship & dimly labeled as “out from UNDER (OT legalistic) Authority
The tiny fellowship had their own Olympic Team. They set up hurdles in the parking lot, showered down accolades for “Jumping to Conclusions”
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. -John 3:17
Jumping to conclusions minus ANY attempt to communicate/ avoiding apostolic Matthew 18:15-17results in local accusation: Berate minus Relate
Respect 4 Relationship MIA Bible verses:Mostly among leaders who preach “being submitted?” Their own submission to Matt 18:15-17 +Eph 5:21
Organic” Minus any synthetic human additives: The OT Law, Roman Patricianism, Legalistic NT Government, all Bigotry
I do not get along w/Phariees. They have the need to overseer dominate & control. Something about my God given free spirit displeases them.
TO GROW: We gotta get back to RELATIONSHIPS just as Jesus acted in regional, personal ministry and real life. GOSPELS: Matt Mark Luke John
TO GROW: We gotta get back to RELATIONSHIPS just as Jesus acted in regional, personal ministry and real life. GOSPELS: Matt Mark Luke John
As families fracture, the world paints a more disjointed, dysfunctional chaotic real life pic, many hearts seek abiding secure RELATIONSHIP
It strongly appears Millenials may not be as materialistic as the rest? Perhaps they R interested in cultivating abiding safe RELATIONSHIPS?
We may not know where we’re going on this train ride but if we each practice personal self government + Abiding James 3:17 in Relationships?
Gen. 3 Leader: God upfront confronted Adam in the Garden. He did it similar to non accusing, fully respectful, non demeaning MATT 18:15-17
Back under Levitical Law? Modern shepherding, being covered UNDER, keeping track of the Ministry Joneses: Control
RULE of Law: not interested in relationship only interested in being OVER someone, ruling. EX Levitical Law, aristocratic Roman Patricianism
There’s no time left to be narrow minded. The advanced media, high tech, relocating world is now calling EVERY PERSON into global Leadership
Abiding James 3:17 Relationship Theology: “While I might not fully agree with all of your theology, I can love UR heart….. respect U.
Abiding in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY = Read Matt, Mark, Luke, John & model CHRIST in all His life RELATIONSHIPS (Male, Female,etc)
FYI: DFW LEADER MINISTRY ONLINE FELLOWSHIP is there purposes: WHEN there is no James 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY in UR neck of the global woods(ONLY Bless Me, Good Works, Rules
Re- read the Gospels. VIEW all Jesus ministry, personal, His mother RELATIONSHIPS. It will help divorce OT LEVITICAL LEGALISM from GOOD NEWS
Ministry Grass Roots is the God’s front Lines. Relationships MAKE or BREAK the pure witness of All About Into Abiding Relationship CHRIST
LIVE, LOVE under the self governing Holy Spirit enabled, supplied supernatural POWER: live out JAM 3:17 Relationship
Relationships MIA Bible Verses Psalm 133, Ephesians 2:14 Whole Chapter Ephesians 4, Ephesians 5:21 (even with Eph 5:22, all servant offices)
We EMERGED: while the overseer apostles were deeply intelligent/the majority had earned degrees we found most had taken the Hypocritic Oath.
Gal 1:1-2 Evidently apostle Paul’d been Gal.’s overseer accused of NOT being BACK UNDER OT Levitical Law hierarchy?
Good News regarding the http://www.onlinefellowship.us . Nobody will keep overseer tabs on U, legalistically accuse U of Church Hopping!!
DFW LOF uses MYOB discernment based authority. Yet we respect other’s personal choices to remain UNDER the OT Law
Sadly, many who do God’s business, prefer perceiving from far off, making snap judgements, hastening about their busy day MINUS RELATIONSHIP
Accuser Pharisee, Religious Judging Labels, Apostolic Stereotypes rooted in OT Law: Church Hopper, Divorced, Sinner, Not Submitted, Jezebel
Surely among the MANY who are apostolic mature, pure in heart, without any secret hidden agenda, there can be UNITY, REVIVAL in JAMES 3:17..
Good Fodder for Teaching: “You will know them by their real LOVE” vs “You will know them by who they view themselves as Covered Under.”
AMAZING: Abiding Relationship James 3:17 devoid of the Law, is actually the Rev. 3:7 Philadelphia Brotherly Love Walk TRUE BRIDE OF CHRIST.
(C)2016 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved.

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