27 Min. ..TAVEAU REVIEWS THE PARTING OF THE DEPARTED (meaning contributing to the USA Christian fellowhip and numbers in steep deline) homespun but weed through it and note the article below
NOTE: these similar TMZ leader style tawdry ministry monetized video same people attacked the Reverend Billy Graham, Dr David Jeremiah and James Robinson online..” as false”…
WE NOTE THE BIBLE “A Curse Causeless Shall Not Come..'”….”God resists the proud, and draws nigh to the humble”

Here are several that are NOT PROSPERITY for none of the following are linked, nor do they preach Word of Faith (which now accused of as PROSPERITY TEACHING” However the 4 listed ARE very known, celebrity big famous, visible, and wealthy (but that it is not my business, it’s theirs, not presumed to be mind). I generally know these ministries and their hearts, the vast ministry followers, and their proven speaking engagements, writings, and books. I will not go into those details. Here are some well-known groups labeled as “teachers of prosperity,” but I know that they are not:
- Bill Johnson and Bethel, Jesus Culture worship: a separate (seen as independent)world class, vast and well-known prophetic charismatic ministry that is not focused on prosperity or related to the Word of Faith movement.
- Bishop TD Jakes, The Potter’s House: He is worldwide, well-known, highly accomplished, with many plays, books, royalties, and more. I know that he was raised poor and is an accomplished servant leader, Pentecostal from West Virginia. Whether he goes Hollywood or has a mega ministry lately is not my business. I personally do not care about his possessions, belongings, or material wealth. It is between him, God, his office peers, family, and board.
- Hillsong of Australia: I have never been a fan, but I still respect them. Yes, there have been scandals, but their music is still highly regarded, whether you like it or not. Before the scandals, Hillsong’s leadership was not focused on prosperity teaching but was associated with the Assembly of God (most of whom are against Word of Faith teachings due to the emphasis on prosperity).
- Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation: He is sincere, respectful, and big-hearted, deeply evangelistic, and not self-absorbed. Elevation is more lively, powerful, and expressive than most, but it is technically under the Southern Baptists. However, they embrace diversity and exhibit power and might from the Book of Acts and Jesus. They are not charismatic, prosperity-focused, or associated with the Word of Faith movement. Pastor Furtick is a respectful and committed husband with a greatly respected fellow minister as his wife. Yes, he has many supporters, books, and speaking engagements, but I am not worried about his personal bank account as he is modest about collecting money. I go there for relief from all of the charismatic, prophetic, self-seeking, witchcraft, and showbiz occult practices.
I CONCLUDE by admitting that I do not walk in their shoes, nor travel or ministery in the circles, so I not know any of these personally.Yet I am a long time astute ministry obever and know “who trains and does says, what” Furthermore I cannot vouch for their personal deepest practices, any hidden sins or what they do in their offices.families and/or bank accounts, NOR IS IT MY GOD GIVEN AUTHORITY DO SO for I am not their PEER, PASTOR, BOARD, MOTHER OR FRIEND..
And my life long assesment is they are if YOU are watchful, just as YOU should be with ME or ANYONE and I, we, they with YOU…Also I try NOT to be busybody like most. I believe that God is above that…And whle I am not a follower of Hillsong I believe their music is safe…I was never into Hillsong., for no particular reason, either before or after the scandals, so I really don’t really care,..Yet, I respect them and understand the pressures of life and ministry. And that paparazzi money making persons are just now playing up to revenue max (and so it goes)

I would submit that due to the amount of Old Testament Levitical Law remaining primarily in the LP Ministry realm, which appears to own most of the “Christian” version of the apostolic TV, media, and scandal rag, many only types of Christian magazines, 80% of the time the flaming accused false prophet, teacher, etc., are based on some fledgling, underling, and/or a significant elder who is back under the OT and very satanically biased against races, leader women, his mother, and the Book of Acts’ big manifestations and anyone who is wealthier and from another distrusted superior move than they.
Bottom line, subjective feeling? Maybe 80% of the ones loudly vilified nationally, area-wide, privately, openly on all social media are legalistically “accused” based on what you, I, they, we have heard through the rumor mill and/or based on our version of Bible theology. And maybe, perhaps, on vibe, energy, race, freedom, style, or and/or abject hatred or fear about the other person and their Bible theology.
TWO Major American ministry streams, which by now reproduce significant Christian ministry CHIEF SYSTEMS…which appear to hold the secret to real American fear of the Lord revival. Some mostly white evangelical, the other who seem to be their nightmare, the Book of Acts which names itself “Office Prophetic.” But in each divided ministry subgroup, the common factor is accepted, many renowned, many known, own the apostolic Christian media and Book of Acts first church wells (at least they appear to presume to think they own it all).
The token diverse, well-meaning, big gifted and surely anchored in Red State patriarchal, elevated often witch-watching, biased, and top accusing, also etched ministry style and steel. What I describe and assess and want to warn is the big boss ancient old-timey country law, fear of non-LP women, top dog, top shelf yet “the Good Ole persons Clubs” in the white patriarchal ministry which I name the American subculture all around evil eye name-calling, big shot, settled in Red State “only,” non-compromising, and now hardcore, often fan club and cult following, many different expressions and forms of the Book of Acts and non (even opposed to Acts Holy Spirit), yet still “the classic white patriarchy” which I have finally named Western European Levitical patriarchy and subservient, matronly autocratic L Matriarchy.
Which we need to also pay honor to and be appreciative for what they have done through the many years. But that was then and this is now, and it ain’t no one color or ministry style or size or worship expressions or doctrinal “one group’s” master move.
JOHN 16:14 KJV “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
- FULLY FALSE (see below)
2..ARE THEY TRUE? (however, they are humans so each one of US,YOU, I will alway have something missing as only Christ was 100% true, thats’ WHY we need more prayer, seeking, Bible study, and help from others)..
3. ARE THEY “PARTIALLY: TRUE (saved, well meaning gifted and wonderfuly, kind..yet off “A BIT” or a DANGEROUS LOT” in their Christian ministry office teaching/doctrine)
Sr. Office T submits A MINI LESSON ON EPHESIANS 4 “COMMON DOCTRINES” TO HELP DETERMINE A TRUE OR FALSE WOMAN, MAN, CELEBRITY,TV OR LOCAL AREA PROPHET, BELIVER OR TEACHER: This is the first place to go to in order to first perceive, to name any person, famous or local, man, woman, or junior… TV celebrity who brags they are a Christian or any ministry or person anywhere. If they are a truly saved Jesus accepted and say they believe the 4 Pauline common doctrines
(Paul states: “One Lord” (Messiah the Christ Jesus), “One Faith” (the Christian faith), “One Baptism” (by full immersion after they are mature enough to make Jesus their Savior and only Lord), “One God, the Father of us all” (Global Accepting Creator, the Papa). So, Apostle T says? One who believes in at least the first one, even two, all four… can be assessed as true Christians, meaning they got saved. However, not knowing them, we must advise that they might be saved but can have true doctrines or not true. They can be true trainers or doctrinally off (training just some true mixed in with some or a lot of false doctrines), but not 100% to be accused as a fully false prophet. And as only Jesus was 100% pure true doctrine, then you and I also have some false and true mixed. And life is filled with the choices to determine if ministry so and so is fully true or partially true or fully false.
KNOWN TO HAVE DROPPED HIS BELIEF IN EPHESIANS FIRST CORE DOCTRINE: “JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY” Bishop Carlton Pearson of the last move of the Big Faith Movement.. And I am not spreading gossip..for that is a teaching exmple and it is very widely known, I will state that we must always keep watch over every sent messenger. “
MASTER MEGA TOP (NON OCCULT) OFFICE SR LEADER:Fully correct me if this is off tclleadership@gmail.com AND add any MORE GOOD SCRIPTURES
(My comment: If the wise-looking, celebrity persons do not commit to saying Christ is the only way to heaven (which is listed as number one by Paul), I would then name, warn, and declare these to the community as false.)
AND HERE IS THE MAIN WHY I REFUSE TO RUSH OUT TO NAME MOST PROPHETS AS “FALSE” OR YOU EITHER… “the Lot of You do not know enough foundational basic First Church core doctrine as in ministry diverse Pauline Ephesians 4 ‘transformed’ community, which affects society. For we can each notice that USA society is not affected by this prior move as it winds slowly down.
My respecctly submitted Selah
THE FIRST… would be self-justified, accuser legalism, usually a big shot seeking to have a famous known name. Yet it appears that most, if not all, stems from tradition, country law, and the ever-present accuser pulpit/now-mean video ‘ongoing’ some types of (mostly, usually white) certain strains of evangelicals, along with LP who are similar in their “need to rightly name-call false prophets, sinners, heathen, seeing harlots, LGBT as ‘it’s not humans,’ and many white ‘types’ of called-out sinners.”
Usually, these nearly all-white individuals lay off their African American, darker skin tone “fellow ministers” due to the fact (I am guessing) they have never known any up close (but this person has), and 2. They are scared of being called a racist. And I would name the founding fathers’ present crop of mighty descendants having lost touch with the amazing, diverse everyday human persons “toe to toe with fellow humans, of all faiths and beliefs,” at the grassroots coffee level as out of touch with real life. Now, these come across as us against anyone who is not just like us. And I trigger that in them, for I am made by the Savior in DNA and family to be more diverse, rhythmic, much less traditional, more merry, and a cross Christ body unity collaborative diverse EORR type of low key (non-authoritarian, non-Bible thumping, objective).
However, not one big another human or minister or race or faith or look or type “objectifying” for that is Deep State, dehumanizing, which causes much bias as it’s in the NWO. So this is Sr. office, however, unsung servant leader… Hostile accusing embedded ‘Religious Right’ as creating a lot of anti-born-again, both political and Bible-believing ministry teaching that takes out all the big respecter of persons and targeting… and love of money instead of targeting loving big community and respecting all humans who are made in God’s image. I teach Christ is not a white Colonial American. He was from the Middle East & used to mixing with the tribes + cultures of many nations.
Furthermore, Dr. T submits as Selah that Jesus Christ would not be biased nor political. He should dwell where there was a vote, such in America. Prophet T purports that He would probably vote, but He would be an independent & vote after seeking His Father’s heart about who and what & then vote on issues, not party line. T calls herself & this MIDWING (you fly party to party, sometimes right-wing, sometimes left-wing, privately, and at God’s clear Bible direction).
Also, it’s a combo of red and blue, THE NEW FLAG LOVING YET PURPLE STATE, signifying a new dignity and deep respect. Dr. T says, “I, we are trying hard not to be religious & we are not always right” teaching policy happily congratulates any kind of Christian branch, also any view on the Book of Acts and/or any other non-Christian type of faith and/or person who chooses to think for themselves, which automatically includes the respect for any belief set, any preferences, even of ministry, lifestyle, and views, also atheism.
For a person has been formed by God in His image & thus warrants being viewed as equal, valuable & to be wisely respected. Most non-Christians are very well versed in their beliefs & far more hot + very passionate for the cause, which is surely admirable, by the standard of God’s Word in Revelation 3:15.
Revelation 3:15 in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible says:
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.”
Because THESE (mostly) are not one bit lukewarm: they are ‘red hot.. So I can enjoy being in their company as long as I & they are both ‘respectful, & we can interact, exchange knowledge, & grow & ease societal peace in our neck of the woods. Addressing each born-again right-wing hardcore person, I say this clearly for you: Respecting, sharing, interacting, and conceivably growing in an amiable relationship with another does not necessarily mean that one condones, endorses, or agrees with their beliefs, choice.
Also, it does NOT mean that they will condone, endorse, agree with, or believe your & my set of Christian beliefs.
THE SECOND CLASS CONSCIOUS (REPRESENT MY) CHIEF ACCUSERS The frustrating USA ministry doctrines, which are mostly back under either the Old Testament type of big loss law and/or the new prophet ‘leaders remain safely far away’ to ‘vibe read, energy, type, size, gender, race’ witchcraft occult: then never ever speak directly with the person to interact & show Jesus-style Christian ‘office’ human compassion & most of all, respect.
Yet then they instead take a ‘capsule ‘reading’ version of their own opinion to either warn the fellow elders or even put that non-WELP, WELM good ministry person’s name on the area ‘witch list.’ All of this is based on 30 plus years of being immersed in USA prophetic doctrine ‘fruit’ as encountered as an embed in many US states at the grassroots ‘newbie, visitor, conference attendee,’ assessed as a local governing Hebrews 10:25 ‘Jesus Accepting’ advertised as ‘welcoming’ but actually the ‘Friendly Fire Fellowship Floor’ that Paul long always prophesied to warn us right now (2 Tim 3:1-5, 1 Timothy 6:5). From such, better scram!”
TO ATTEND TO AREA FELLOWSHIP: Hebrews 10:25: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
TO FLEE FROM :2 Timothy 3:1-5: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
TO FLEE FROM : 1 Timothy 6:5: “Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.”
And. Let’s keep our wits about us and our hearts pure. I can’t imagine any seeking liberal, democratic, or communist wanting to test-drive a Christian fellowship where they already realize that (due to the media critics, but always recalling their Bible-accusing witchy mama and the biased big hypocrites down the street in their youth).
And not accusing seeming wacko middle-income population red hick state looking “wild-eyed” politics. And they are curious about more of God, but why would they take the risk if they are Democrats, abused,much berated even tenderhearted, seeking LGBT, or any other non-white race or more… to dare to enter the Christian demonizing, hardcore religious right systems who “might be waiting” to catch them and pressure them to vote life, to automatically be forced to turn into another religious right? For what these have seen (and I have met these who truly have seen that!) is that it’s a mass Trump supporters trying to convert to turn right-wing Republican.
For not “just” about entering into their holy sanctuary to find out about Jesus Christ (whom they are not angry about… it’s just his followers and media that have caused all of this!). I know them very well, and they are smart and witty and gifted and powerful, spiritually powerful too. Yet, none of these plan to be conned and dominated and perhaps brainwashed by the typical USA standard white formula of solid elite Bible-thumping white, all die-hard red state, white blue-eyed money-making Jesus wrapped in the American flag, along mom and apple pie.
And such it is in our nation and on TV and scandal table ministry Monetized money seeking targeting new Videos.
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