QUESTION Does the NOW, Media Widely Influenced, very vocal, Modern Church “rule” by MOB RULE or by POPULAR VIEWS, online CLICK BAIT..( i.e. whoever wins “popular consensus, the most views, or whom ever is loudest “rings true” make enough catcalls, also highly place well known suspicious Name Calls, shouts the Loudest “is clearly hearing from God..OR does it deeply regard, humbly adhere to what is in the apostolic First Church Bible .. in this series about 2-4..TD will attempt to broach a FEW “food for Realistic True Thought type topics”
It was frankly “The Weakest of Times and the Strongest of Times”*
(*a departure from Tale of Two Cities..which is NOW)
“It reveals hearts and souls, minds and character..on both sides of the pulpit, top leader aisle.” Taveau D’Arcy
(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with AI
BEFORE WE ASK CHAT GPT AI. I want to interject this apostolic training:
ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY “A.R.T.” Deep inside each human heart is A.R.T. (their relationship life fruit). The only 250% Pure Fruit, Heart, Character, Actions, True Theology is find the Bible example of Christ and in the First Church teaching, apart from all word curse Law. Apostle Paul demonstrates it throughout his own life and commands.
NOTE: How gauge me, this and each on of yourselves, others is by reading JESUS CHRIST life fruit, when He walked the earth among men and woman, Jews and Gentiles, fallen people and ministers, little children. Therefore WE must read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (before Jesus suffering, death and victorious resurrection) to find out how JESUS modeled “holy respect” in each and every mentioned RELATIONSHIP.
Apostle Taveau D’Arcy’s
**Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
**Note each one of Jesus “relationships” mentioned in these.
**Take note of out how Jesus ACTED and REACTED in each one(males, females, Jews, Gentiles, Romans, authorities, Himself, Character, etc)
**Then we each choose to HERO ROLE MODEL Christ Jesus in each and every one of our life, ministry, business, family and diverse RELATIONSHIPS. Yet it will demand that we enlist God’s HELP (fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23) plus might and power, determination, to do so.
This akin to Apostle Paul in Community Ephesians 4:1-4. (Note that this Chapter 4 trains office sr leader how to equip a TRANSFORMED COMMUNITY consisting of all of the area many churches, which “effects society” (that is my real training equipping Call)
And these verses reflect “pure relationships”
4 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, (denotes self less,high caliber, servant leader, Jesus humility) beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

NOW TAVEAU BEGINS TO ASK Chat GPT AI the following..which ties in with ministry RELATIONSHIPS, TRUST and AREA RESPECT FOR ALL Ministers, born again Believers in Christ
Sister Taveau asks ChatGPT AI:
Q. Is possibly that many people, a person might be”ungrateful” …for the hard work, life long commitment, the giant toll of emotional, personal and family, spiritual warfare, that many top famous now world wide reknown “leaders” are being so reviled and assailed. And the fact, how it appears that so MANY are willing to pull all of the stops out and “JUMP” at the chance to dig up the dirt on a fellow minister….plus to “profit from doing that. ” Address that.
ChatGPT AI replies;
Jumping at the chance to dig up dirt on a fellow minister, particularly one in an office of spiritual leadership, raises significant concerns about the spiritual maturity, motivations, and accountability of those engaging in such behavior. From a biblical perspective, it reflects deeper heart issues and failures to adhere to Christian principles of love, humility, and respect.
Taveau speaks:
Please go into depth to address about all of this:
Chat GPT AI states:
Here’s what this behavior says about the individuals involved:
1. Lack of Gratitude and Honor
- 1 Timothy 5:17:“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.”
- This command emphasizes honoring those in spiritual leadership. Seeking to discredit or attack a fellow minister—especially without clear evidence or personal accountability—reveals a lack of gratitude for their ministry and the sacrifices they’ve made.
- It suggests an unwillingness to see the bigger picture of God’s grace working through imperfect vessels.
2. A Spirit of Judgment and Self-Righteousness
- Matthew 7:1-5: Jesus warns against hypocritical judgment, instructing believers to examine their own hearts before addressing the sins of others.
- Those eager to expose others often reveal their own self-righteousness, prioritizing condemnation over restoration.
- The act of tearing others down might stem from personal insecurities, jealousy, or an unacknowledged desire for superiority.
3. Exploitation for Personal Gain
- Many who publicize scandals—especially through monetized media such as videos, blogs, or podcasts—are motivated by profit, notoriety, or increased viewership.
- Titus 1:11:“They must be silenced, because they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.”
Pursuing scandal as a means to gain influence undermines the integrity of their witness and exploits the pain of others for personal benefit.
4. Gossip and Slander
- Proverbs 16:28:“A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.”
- Those who jump at the opportunity to expose others often become conduits for gossip and slander, damaging reputations and causing division in the church.
- This behavior shows a lack of reverence for the power of words, as addressed in James 3:5-10.
5. Lack of Compassion and Biblical Restoration
- Galatians 6:1:“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.”
- The eagerness to expose a fellow minister rather than seek their restoration contradicts this directive.
- True spiritual maturity involves a desire to help others reconcile with God, not to publicize their failings for entertainment or judgment.
6. Potential Spiritual Immaturity
- Hebrews 5:12-14: Spiritual immaturity often manifests in an inability to discern what is good and godly behavior.
- Those quick to expose or criticize others without accountability or prayerful consideration may lack the wisdom and maturity needed to handle such matters biblically.
7. Evidence of Division and Carnality
- 1 Corinthians 3:3: Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for their jealousy, quarreling, and divisiveness, which were signs of worldly behavior.
- Attacking fellow believers, especially those in ministry, reflects a carnal mindset that prioritizes conflict over unity.
8. Danger of Hypocrisy
- Romans 2:1:“You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.”
- Those who dig up dirt on others often fail to consider their own vulnerabilities, blind spots, or sins. This behavior risks God’s judgment for hypocrisy.
What This Says About Them
- Lack of Spiritual Maturity: They may lack the wisdom, humility, and discernment required to handle such situations appropriately.
- Misplaced Priorities: They are more concerned with sensationalism, entertainment, or personal gain than with the spiritual health of the church.
- Pride and Jealousy: The motivation to tear others down often stems from pride, jealousy, or a desire to elevate oneself.
- Disrespect for God’s Servants: This behavior dishonors those God has called, showing a lack of reverence for their office and the work God has done through them.
- Contributing to Division: They sow discord in the body of Christ, which undermines the unity and testimony of the church.
Conclusion: A Call to Self-Examination
Those engaging in this behavior must examine their hearts against the standards of Scripture. Instead of seeking to expose or judge others, Christians are called to:
- Pray for their fellow believers.
- Handle disputes biblically (Matthew 18:15-17).
- Pursue restoration, not condemnation (Galatians 6:1).
- Seek unity in the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:3).
Ultimately, those who act in this way risk being judged themselves for their unbiblical actions, as Jesus warns in Matthew 7:2: “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Just scratching the surface of this HOT MODERN TOPIC
2 more at least to come..
PART 3 Continues tomorrow
(basically wants to address) “How to Decide WHEN To Ferret out HIDDEN SIN vs Being a Blabbing Gossip?
To Sow a Love offering:
(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with AI.