What would the original New Testament Original Apostles really think If
they were dropped in to today’s US modern “Christian” culture?**
(C) 2009 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
NOTE:The writer intentionally addresses ALL SELAH comments below, ONLY to those in the born again, Bible believing, Christ following true Community. Anyone else,feel free to read.
In her in depth continuing study of what constitutes “true” or (the many) “truly false” doctrinal teachings affecting US modern church culture, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy viewed them in the light of the Bible’s description of the First Church which was born in the book of Acts.
Although personally a true product of being raised in modern day Me First Generation, media and music saturated popular culture, Dr. D’Arcy must remind herself as well as others, that while there is nothing wrong with the use of media and all the electronic gizmos and bells, lights, and music, when they are used to give God the glory, however, we must give balance to at least some of the post WW II War, and especially post Vietnam War, modern day church “doctrines” by being reminded of the true simplicity of our Founding Church Fathers.
And, although she freedly admits that she herself has not perfectly “attained,” her strong continuing underlying prophetic ministry goal is to allow God to purify heart own heart from any unknown traditions of man which then render God’s spirit null and void.
In the midst of pomp and sometimes great circumstance, in the middle of TV lights and cameras, some of the giant flat screen TV’s on the side sanctuary walls, and amongst some of the hype, Madison Avenue ministry advertising and media ministry marketing methods or the worship driven Popular Church which sometimes perverts worship intended to focus on who Christ is, to in some cases Christian Artists who have a fan base and a following.
We must state that while doing this at the Lord’s specific direction should be a sole matter of a pure conscience, we share this due to the lines of discernment which are now being blurred in many who truly cannot tell what is really the reverential true worship of a Holy LIving Awesome God, and the unfortunate apparent Christian version of American Idol. (by the way, the main purpose of American Idol is money making for all parties.)
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> And certainly not wishing to take all the joy away from being in youth oriented, modern day western Church culture, especially since God uses Dr. Taveau in TV, electronic music, fine arts, high tech ministry herself, Taveau wishes only to put into words some of the things which she herself has truly imagined: SO……
Q. WHAT IF the original New Testament church apostles and disciples were supernaturally beamed down so that they would be able to experience the body of Christ in the western popular worship and TV media culture?
Secondly, WHO THEN, in todays “big preachers’ and “TV ministers” and “worship leaders” and “Christian artists” would pass being scanned by their First Church truly Christ following pure eyes?
THEN suppose they started to hang out with the senior, pastors in local apostolic churches in the Grass Roots or middle class then up to what is known as mega church size?
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”>What would THEY THINK and OBSERVE and OVERHEAR in dealing with both these albeit UNKNOWNS as well as THE WELL HEARD OF? Do really suppose that they would discuss hot topics such as FUNDRAISING? Or perhaps COMPETITION between senior pastors or groups?
Do you believe that the early Church Guests would be made to endure pastoral laments of Sheep Stealing? Uncommitted Church Hoppers?
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”>Or do you think that most of their minister talk would focus on HOW MANY NEW SOULS WERE RECENTLY BROUGHT INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD? WHAT would their truly think as WE, who view ourselves as “True Five Fold Ministers” (all the many JUNIOR – SENIOR) tell them all of our personal ministry war stories and swap our own personal views of WHAT BEING IN PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH FIVE FOLD SPIRIT FILLED MINISTRY MEANS.
WHAT would the Original Church people really think if they went into some sanctuaries to find the modern dress on stage, the frosted male hair (not to mention the vast amounts of mousse) or some of the groups who seem to require polyester power suits or identical back combed preacher hair cuts? Then as they begin to tour the very laid back jeans wearing church, WHICH ONE would truly resemble Jesus Organic True Church?
WHAT would they SAY about women wearing some of the popular fashion trends, not just as they sit out in the congregation…but also up on the church stage? Song of Solomon tells the young woman to “dress like a wall instead of a door.” (a wall requires that one be being be pursued and with skill and care, scaled, a door means genuinely open for easy access).
WHAT would each one of the visiting first apostles, disciples truly think as they conversed with the many hundreds of US Junior Five Fold ministers or worship band members? Do you really think that yes, they would , find MANY with Christ centered genuine seeds of God’s greatness truly mixed with genuine teachability as well as pure humility? OF COURSE!!
However, WHAT would they really think as they also repeatedly encountered the many five fold famous media preacher popular worship artist Wannabes…meeting some who stand in their ripped tee shirts, holding their lighted cigarette in one hand, talking about Their Important Ministry?
Let us also NOT forget to wonder what those Early Day Visiting Saints, who went to stay at some of those worship band member, junior and senior five fold ministers personal houses, only to find porn loaded on the flat screen TV or dirty magazines (meaning any gender) under the bed?
(Not to fail to mention undeniable strong evidence of the worship band members, junior minister’s live in lover ?)
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> Q. WHAT would they think of any spirit filled local church senior pastor who regularly tolerates the poor witness of the worship band team members, as 3-4 of them stand in the parking lot, which is out in the front of the church to stand there chain smoking , before and after every service?
AND WHAT WOULD the New Testament Church visitors would really think of the worship band members all gathering for a smoke after some services IN THE YOUTH MEETING ROOM??
And while the sit chain smoking for all the church to see, they discuss making their worship band CD and prepare to be used by God on the national worship band scene.
Our Organic New Testament Church visitors cannot help but observe a conveniently placed Official Worship Team Cigarette Butt Empty Coffee Can (that usually stays filled with the cigarette butts of the worship band members) which stays out in the open, up close to the church’s front door main entrance.
Later , after the church service, The NT Visitors hear tales of ministerial woe from the senior pastor who “cannot seem to understand WHY his 30-35 member church “Christ following” church remains stagnant!
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> THEREFORE:
It is due to all the many different popular church culture shockers that Dr. D’Arcy’s mind began to check what God might tell her about HER OWN PERSONAL WALK WITH THE PURE HEARTED RISEN CHRIST?
She asked and continually now asks the Lord to reprove her and correct her where SHE has become blind due to all the media hype and false self promoting power seeking supposed “ministry priorities.”
( See the words her new song “Lord Search My Heart with Your Eyes of Fire.’ on www.creativewisdomministries.org (see link WORDS TO Taveau’s Songs) and “The Victor’s Crown” / The Chief Shepherd ( both dedicated to Senior Pastors, Leaders)
The writer now makes all these comments first to provoke the reader to also invite the Lord to
show them if they are not prepared to meet Him when He suddenly comes. Therefore:
WHICH SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY and WHICH DOCTRINAL BELIEF /BIBLE TEACHING would hold up if scanned and discerned by the founding Apostles of the Organic Church of the Lord Jesus Christ?
This writer tried to put herself in her New Testament chief apostles shoes, to compare and thoughtfully contrast, even attempt to distinguish Bible teaching doctrinal and man made views between the first Christ Followers in the original New Testament church and those who are in ministry today.
Pioneering the IFFM Divine Appointment very apostolic networks all around the primarily charismatic, tongue talking, United States, Dr. Taveau heard much great apostolic, doctrinal Bible teaching from a varied vast diverse number of those who were the senior apostolic Bible teaching, spiritual Bible based authority and worship music moves in ever racial and socio economic, educational background. Many, if not truly most, declared that they were given a mandate by God to “be God’s new religious Thing.’
Some actually WERE part of God’s New Move (new THING) but very ironically , these few True Blue Ones, never declared very often that they were that. Instead of repeatedly declaring from their pulpit,that THEY were the Chief Apostles whom God had placed in the gates of their City “ …they real city gate apostolic gate keepers with pure hearts, did did not need to be recognized or get praise from humans, majorly and authentically gained more genuine and mature spiritual true authority in the privacy of their own intercessory prayer closets.
When repeatedly witnessing Bishops being over honored, as the sat dressed in their Elegant Rich Robes….and meeting wonder REAL chief true apostles, and gifted true prophets, but time and time again forced to endure being expected to kow tow, bow down or feel pressured to practically be expected to genuflect to the very many (other wise known to this writer as completely ignorant, truly misguided, basicly self important, and overly many times, out for Making Money now I think aptly referred to as “ Capital A Apostles” and P Word Prophets or Pompous Self Promoting Pastors). Then contrast them to the mighty servant chief apostle mature leadership of the First Christian church who later on, many times were forced to hide in the catacombs.
These Truly Organic Christian Believers were also in spiritual order but never overly regimented by church spiritual authority, nor were they ever forced by their traditions to bow down or in truth, put the apostles on an pedestal or be their spiritually abused slaves. And, local pastor, please be reminded that they were never falsely accused of being Church Hoppers when they were seen “worshipping from house to house.”
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> There were no spiritual slaves or nor hard driving spiritual slave masters anywhere in the First Organic Church Order….I find no early church doctrine which taught the early converts that they “Must be in church ever time the doors are open.” Or “That they were to depend upon whatever the pastor or prophet told them, rather than learning to depend up and rely upon the Lord.
There is no Biblical evidence that bishop or apostle or pastor worship existed or that rich ceremonies were ever held in which one of the first true “Apostles” (usually from working class simple, even poor backgrounds) allowed themselves to be dressed in pope’s rich clothing and then taught that it was the duty of those who were recently born again to put them on a pedestal and thereby install what may be described as New Testament Hero Worship which then breeds a Big I, Little You, early church Caste system. And this writer does not find any Bible reference to any so called “Chief Apostle, Five Fold Ministry Pecking Order.
While in at least in a few incidences, the founding chief apostles, did set in place and use at least some strong discipline (EX. putting some unrepentent sinners even out of the church)..However, they bustling excited soul winning worshipping on fire, Organic Early Church never ever enforced overly structured, overly strict , spiritually rigid, spiritual dominating doctrines to beat the early organic church saints into submission.
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> Also, back then, they all knew the Holy Awesome Fear of the Lord: ..the Holy Spirit was allowed to move freely and He moved in power and might, to the point of being head of local church discipline as we note in the specific incidence of the two deaths of Ananias and Sapphira.
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> Absolutely NO! Early church church senior Apostles as well as converted real disciples were far too exited about their meeting the True Christ. And they were so excited and ON FIRE, that they ran around Jerusalem trying to win the Lost, since they realized that Jesus might be coming back SOON!!
In the early born again new organic Christian church, the main view that there is a REAL TRUE SAVIOR who has healing, yoke destroying might and that He is coming VERY SOON…fueled the mass evangelism of that day, yet without instilling the rigid teachings that “the disciples should sit under the Bible teaching of whatever comes out from any early church pastors Pulpiteers Oracle, with out ever taking ownership of
1) really learning how to think and learn to follow God for themselves
2) and without being becoming spiritual castrated by pure motived Bible training that stripped away the personal confidence of the early first church soul disciple or trained them to be Pastor, Prophet or Chief Apostle Dependent.
And the early church pastors and five fold ministers were all untrained LIBERATED , at last: allowed to be free, Holy Spirit first organic church MAVERICKS who had escaped what was the Early Jewish Religious Impure System…
And from this sent messenger who has absolutely NO secret or hidden agenda ,than to be the willing, available servant of the True and Ever Living Father God:
From this very unknown Spy in the Proverbial Land, from one Jane writing on the Isle of Patmos, and like a Jane the Baptist, perhaps who right now may be finally brave enough to come in from her many spiritually safe,very long years out in the US wilderness: Pastors, Five fold ministers:
This almost exact same thing appears to be what is going on in much of the western modern day Church right now!!
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> PS “There are many voices in the world, and each one has significance.”
(C) 2009 Taveau D’Arcy All rights reserved.
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> . Disclaimer (and this pertains to whatever is good in any part of this website, books or podcasts)
If God has given me the privilege to comprehend, witness and now start to relate some of what He is bringing me and many others in what has been named The Nameless Faceless Grass Roots Apostolic End Time Move of God’s Holy Spirit ,then let me give credit to where credit is deserved.
In what can only be described as the great alarming sense of urgency to wake up any who might be sleeping or rather who would be lulled into complacency by a false sense of spiritual safety, I admit to fall shore in waxing as very upbeat and positive,but it is not out of a spirit of meanness or born from any wounding. It is, to the best of my knowledge to be told NOW..warts and all.
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”> And, if any of the spiritual shoes fit, THEN and ONLY IF, should you the reader, then wear it.
In Addition:
The reasons for God openly sharing some of the extremely important urgent issues: I do that with respect for the many spiritual pioneers and trailblazers who spearheaded the many truly great former moves of God’s Holy Spirit and Bible teaching.
p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”>Thus then, I want to give honor and credit to my Lord and Savior , my personal Faithful Only True Friend: Jesus Christ, then for the supernaturally empowering, revealing not to mention ever healing Word of God
Secondly much honor must be given to my own gifted well balanced natural pastor, educator wise blessed parents
Thirdly, and I want to share my deep respect and gratitude for the great many gifted and TRUE founding forefathers /spiritual true mothers ,each of whom may each have been given even vastly different Bible teaching points of view, yet who remained balanced, in line with God’s Pure Word, within the context and spiritual authority of that God ordained Biblical type of view.
(As some anonymous writer wrote: “I can see clearly ahead, from my point of view , because I am standing on our founding fathers formidable shoulders.”)
(C) 2009 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

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