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NOTE: this was first posted March 21, 2019 www.onlinefellowship.us
” All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”2 Timothy 3:16-17
IS THERE A LONG PROPHESIED FALLING AWAY OR A DRIVING AWAY FROM THE FF FRIENDLY FIRE FELLOWSHIPS? (been wondering this for such a LONG time..now the polls, the online headlines are mocking Christianity “it’s flatlining” “Churches are dying” the most recent)
“Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.” ISAIAH 28:9 KJV
Plus read two following DFW Leader articles.
I perceive that we’re in a new main Era. What has always worked just as before, may or may really not. It’s time for DFW Leader to hear from the Lord, as Taveau has a lot to hear and have truly confirmed.
When we come back we may not have the ongoing DFW Fellowship, but rest assure, there WILL be the Word coming from the Only Lord. But that has not been fully determined, right now. I keep sensing there is a area CALL to have a online version plus an ONLAND one, with a worship team composed of area 5 fold office.
YET, I am not finding ministry barren island DFW fruit. And admittedly my heart is PRO the used to be viewed as COUNTERCULTURAL, BACKSLIDDEN and CHRISTIAN MINISTRY LEADERSHIP…. all of whom now are barely indistinguishable..meaning in SOME Ye Must Be Born Again So Called Brands.
I have repeatedly had to pull away from the Popular TV influenced, 5 fold office, mostly CULTURE OF MIXTURE all around in the deep Ranks of mostly true JESUS OUR SAVIOR all believing, accepting.
Yet,this person self inspects and reflects, (but not ever genuflects, which is most of the real Neo Pharisee New Traditions of Humans accuser thing)… YET clarity, and wisdom, inner Guidance plus words downloaded from the Lord…take patience plus also must be evaluated after they are . revealed
My own person clear directions? After the last 14 She Pioneering fully non too restful wild years, I was feeling strongly drawn to relocate to area Charlotte, NC, where I know the body of Christ, basically area wide.
AND was feeling to fully move but then found interesting happenings, few perceptive quality ministry/open persons possibly here, and after that felt that perhaps I only want to go for a 2-3 month Sabbatical, but then following that tour England, for some special “MISSION” which is now not fully understood.
Bottom Perceived Nonlegalistic Line
I however, fully perceive that God wants me to consult, one to one top leader wise counsel, and to be the evangelist to the Ye Must Be Born Again leaders. I am praying for a new sleeper van, truck , camper (new, nearly brand spanking new) which allows me to area, regional travel, to also rest and take a break. continue to minister on the front lines, work with the homeless, but also travel widespread meaning IF the Lord confirms that that is HIS call. Plus should a God sent human which is sent in the form of a mantled possible real Manly Mate come from out of God’s Universe, then I truly feel ready to take off and just be on a personal marriage Journey, while posting online the Words from the Lord.
Plus, with all of the Christiandom Doctrinal Quagmire, as many, including myself are truly concerned for a Future, accurate “organic First Church” model of Jesus fully accepting (the multicultural Bride of Christ) I am planning to set up the multicultural college TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY but only when God truly sends me the right delegatable mature, Christian associate. Know it also can be online, but then expand to online, and not just be apostolic theology, but team worship, God called business, film and composing, any other.
However, I stand continually Godly content, for if noone anywhere feels that any of this is really needed, then they will continue to NOT DFW Leader, TCL support. Which is the seeming current.
However, I do all as before the Audience of One…and not for pay.
But an chief apostolic tentmaker side has been numerous times high jacked, last time was in the prior (not present McKinney) where I suffered the most unpleasant and quite surprising personal workplace assault, and after filing the report with the area police, but not pressing any rape attempt charges, as the LMT has 2 young children. I was the attacked again by the owners of the building in which the office occurred who tried repeatedly to intimidate the perceived “alone She” and kept the Lord’s office possessions for nearly a month after changing the locks on my paid for ministry office, plus other deeply draining, time wasting and futile for tentmaking ministry progress…BUT I will still not go to court as I am BLESSED despite and will simply allow the Lord to judge in His good timing.
HERE IS WHAT WAS AREA KIDNAPPED then regained all broken (note; they following were kept hostage but then we met the amazing First United Methodists, (!!), and through them one of their dear members who manages Ruth’s Room Thrift Store, these fine compassionate Methodists intervened and got the items mostly all (not quite all) back. BUT the main need item a professional top quality YAMAHA 90xs keyboard, on which I could minister, record demo songs, was too damaged and so we suffered BIG loss, plus many 2-3 other important costly items.I also lost all my ministry income and have been in deep real need because of.
PS Really want to get the
I also have found DFW “salt of the earth” deep grass roots, mainly UNDELEGATABLE. It’s the sign of FAMILY chaos, and TV MEDIA Show Biz Celebrity after affects on the CULTURE which names itself as JESUS FOLLOWERS.
TOO Way Over many “Born Again” deeply enthusiastic “Christians” repeatedly turn out to NOT who they say they are (meaning supposed CHRISTIANS, even profession 5 fold offices) And that is when I began to repeatedly question” WHAT IS IN THEIR DOCTRINAL BATH WATERS” and also started to Noble Berean as never before EVER ONCE.
Disclaimer: Among White Earth suited “Christians” Please note: evangelicals do not generally fit this deep southwest untrustworthy/very ornery description. FUMC does definitely not!
So just now, so I must do it all myself, which is not a complaint, but a fact which one understands, that due to such, one can only do SO MUCH and NO MORE.
NOW aside from counsel, tentmaking, guest ministering, hosting group spontaneous songwriters workshops I can also give a few ministry fine arts, worship impartation McKinney, DFW keyboad, piano or worship leader, composing, music theory basics.
Finding that it’s very hard to being multifaceted and multidirectional and a seer office prophet.
HOWEVER, despite and through it all I have never felt so liberated, fearless, WHO REALLY CARES what anyone else really thinks and I have self noted how fully JOYFUL I mostly all the time AM. I have chosen to cast it ALL upon the Lord. Y
Today I Googled this old Sly and the Family Stone’ THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BE MYSELF ..AGAIN and that is exactly how your sister is FEELING! Greatful to the saving God as well as calm, happy, Godly contented, YET puzzled about why so slow on making Big Progress.
CLICK TO VIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj5VODa-eTY
Also, there is a time to enlist others in God’s Calling for support.
I request both your ongoing compassionate prayers and invite your love offerings. (BELOW)
It’s a major time for the Christ following, “ye must be born again” ministers, elders, saints, rising ministers and committed authentic lay, to also perceive and have truly confirmed what the hear the Living God tell each one of them.
I am feeling the urgent dire need to expound upon Scriptural Leader doctrines. As they are lay crucial real foundation Rocks of every Christian’s revelation, for the word of God is NOT people changed, society changed..it is just like the LORD FOREVER.
Yet can be improved in the interpretation of it, such as minus all OT Levitical Legalistic Law, in my special DFW Leader doing research removing all OT WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism, (overseer apostolic shepherding) and train God’s mature true people to hear God for THEMSELVES and not train them to be other man DEPENDENT or blind uneducated, emotionally immature Fan Club Followers, and/or Show Biz Celebrity big watchers. And I would certainly advise removing proud, aristocratic Roman Patricianism from the deep south prophetic. Plus avoid gossip, ministry ,lay tale bearing.
OTHER topics I will continually equip on.
“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.” Matthew 4:35
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. “Isaiah 55:11
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. “ 2 Timothy 3:16-17
“The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
TO CONTACT: dfwleader@gmail.com
I will put a toll free number up shortly. Next few days.
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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