MANY MODERN “TV EFFECTED” SR 5 FOLD OFFICES presume that THEY are always in the Right. Plus they have never once heard of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “doctrine,reproof correction” which I have heard some skillfully twist to then leader accuse the REPROVER…by saying as gossip, “he/she’s a big self pitying complainer” ...BUT,to which I would say is “Accuser tale bearing, continual emphasis on sighting “Unsubmitted”, Queen Jezebels and charismatic Witch watching ..making attending Christ’s Houses UNSAFE, UNLOVING….and also accuser labeling nationwide MANY, the mega ministry practice of keeping “witch lists” ..YET ALL while fully locally… avoiding any one to one respectful RELATIONSHIP, mature upfront Matt 18:15-17/Gal 6:1 mature direct “confrontation”…. is indeed assessed as ERROR.” (see PDF top www.onlinefellowship.us JESUS and MINISTRY PC POP PYSCHOLOGY)
THE ARTICLE which follows beneath..contains just one more LUKE EYE WITNESS.first hand up close ministry account..however, PRE -COVID…so we have time to examine our own pure hearts and fix this.
PLEASE Note that this topic goes along with the following article about “TOUCHING GOD’S ANOINTING” which is titled “A WARNING TO HEED..IF YOU ARE IN GOD’S NEW MOVES”..Oct 11,2020
The Eyes of WELP/WELM are upon us(on second thought…’better make that “OVER” each and every one of (Non WELP,WELM) (untamed) us!
PS “Abject, uncertain, Fear of ANY God formed human always brings a big snare” ADVICE Psalm 29:25
Note this was first posted Oct 10,2020 www.facebook.com/therealTaveau
WHY Do Doctrinal Controlling WELP Repeatedly Desire to Rain on Our Hebrews 10:25 Parade?? (And Create the Inability to Trust)
NO MORE FRIENDLY FIRE FELLOWHIP “false adverstising” “bait and switch” (means: The Ministry advertises, “COME TO WORSHIP JESUS,FEEL ACCEPTED, LEARN ABOUT MOVING IN THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY”..FEEL JESUS JOY AND LOVE..” but then when one goes, one gets accused as a Queen Jezebel or charismatic witch or WORST “jumped in public”, spied like one is “not UNDER authority and therefore ” rebellious and “unsubmitted” (their WORST accusation) like below)
(C) 2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
IRONY: The anagram for Western European Levitical Patriarchism is WELP...which is very ironic,for it’s devilish accusation , berating in public, prophetic perverse seerish peering, character assassinations, witch watching spooky over much focus, too many of which are forms of abuse…leaves a WELP emotional, even months, many years..embedded long lasting emotional, mind, spirit satanic “STING”
NOTE: Friendly Fire Cumulative WELP Weird Experiences http://www.onlinefellowship.us THE ODE TO WELP (first hand area eye witness, 1990s-2020 pre covid)
AREA Western European Levitical Patriarchism…
(aggressive, overly intrustive, even demeaning…overseer shepherding)
“Once you’ve been repeatedly mauled by lions,
it makes it easy to discern their scent“**
**I liken the “after one has been mauled by lions” WELP (“accusative Sting”) to a similar “keen perceptive alert awareness” to other persons who have been through racism, bigotry,perscution, abuse , authoritarian micromanagment (which I actually HAD long term experienced)
A Religious Backstory (circa 2010 State of DFW )
I was an area ex-pat from the East and a Sunday New Visitor as I…this Earthsuited Non Diminuitive tall Pleasant and Respecting, Joyfull She walked down to the front of the very well known church, after the conclusion of the service.
Sadly it turned out to be a controlling Overseer Shepherding (aka apostolic WELP) yet well regarded ministry.
I had gone down after the service with the intention of introducing myself as a just relocated workplanting area prophetic sr pastor.. who wanted to make a future staff appointment to possibly set up a prophetic network in case of any regional or national big prayer concerns….as that has always been my Christian ministry pure authority, many decades of experience in Cross True Body of Christ (historic ) prayer turf.
However that never did happen..for I was intercepted and blocked by religious spirit aka apparently undelivered big mean demons..who were causing two of the top staff to do it.
I had had several recent prior DFW area frustrating experiences with regal accuser chauvinism..which id never once encountered before..Also i was raised valued and respected by my late sr pastor father..who was not a pentecostal WELP
And that truly matters ..the false Accuser ministry doctrines..but I was learning..via frustrating and at times shockingly surprising experience.
I was not a novice nor one bit naive,but I was shocked at how big legalism and proohetic arrogance seemed to be
Also as a historically whole area wide SENT and used to being trusted..not to omit..also decently respected and treated. ..for i had been in a much smaller more regional prior area..where by far the large majority of sr pastors were area natural and very cordial..and especially towards a new visitor..whom they’d never laid eyes on before…and you would think that an area pastor …staff..going out of their way to befriend the new vistor and make them feel welcome and accepted..snd RESPECTED..even valued..would like a normal thing..at least I did. But due to the fact that I grew up..not in Pentecost but EORR Relationship EPHESIANS 5:21 (emotionally very mature) as a gentle, free spirit, nontongue talking…Southern Baptist
But still, in my former East Coast state I had been in area Body community for many blessed years so that I knew basic leader doctrines, from white and black and Evangelical to spirit filled to real true Pentecostal ..prophetic and abiding faith charismatics to denominational Catholic..so i was expecting to be respecred and greeted as a friend..maybe a local peer..and a newbie Sister in the Beloved of Jesus Christ
But it was nothing like any of that...
That morning I walked calmly and quietly to the stage area front. I was dressed in a light blue blazer as I was going to introduce myself.
Nobody was at the front except the associate pastor who I knew to be the sr pastors brother.
And as nobody stood in line before me..I took a step toward him and tried to introduce myself and tell him what I wanted to set up a future peer behind the scenes network with both sr ministries for the sake of the Christian body and our nation.
But when I tried to open my mouth to say “hello” and to give him my name and the reason for being there..he refused to give me a chance to speak a single word …andHe did not let me even say my name.
Instead he reached forward and grabbed ahold of my wrist..in an untoward and( to me ) a way overly familiar and none too respectful manner… And he then put my wrist into the hand of a waiting turned out to be WELM lady leader .
Again without asking me who I was. or allowing me to share one word..not even my name.
The unduly autocratic even fierce, dull of accurate perception Female… proceeded to openly rebuke me..while standing in full public view. At the front of the big sanctuary
In this disturbing recount. I have failed to mention that at this same DFW time I was experiencing deep grief..having lost a close family member..but she did not know that
Here is what she then ACCUSED me of:
“YOU are out from UNDER spiritual authority and Unsubmitted. GOD has Sent you here to be in those seats ..every week..(and she then pointed to the chairs in the congregation)
Again neither of them had ever set eyes on me ever before..
So then I tried to share that I was an office area minister..who ..at that time..had a board that I was accountable to…
But that did not matter at all to her and she over and over again..getting very loud ..and in the public..repeatedly chastised me and publicly rebuked me…and as a person suffering deep personal family loss, who had spent 45 minutes driving over their in the intense heat, not to mention spent precious gas money to get their, it was all POINTLESS..not to mention very DEPLETING and ALL so UNCHRISTLIKE.
I then realized that the SPIRIT was relentless, it kept going on and on…..would not even WANT to hear about my BOARD…refused to take “Please stop” for an answer…thus I realized it was the Enemy and inwardly vowed NOT to let this disagreement turn into PUBLIC STRIFE..so while she continually berated the new Visitor (James 3:17 yet 6 inches taller) Single White Female..I quietly begged off and left.
BUT IT WAS SPIRITUALLY AND EMOTIONALLY DRAINING..so pointless and senseless…and a BAD WITNESS for the apostolic Church… and I never went back ever again.
And this is the clear reason WHY I now speak out against demeaning Abuse..Phariseeism..and witch watching..as i knew that they were into doing that ..as I had many prior United State extreme crazymatic prophetic solemn disturbing ‘Doctrinal Fruit ‘ repeatedly assessed as leader WELP untrustworthy experiences.
Sadly ..Shades of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 From Such Turn Away FF (Friendly Fire)(hardcore,) Fellowship revisited
Here’s Why these accuser LP feel entitled to accuser jump a new non legalistic plus Quiet New Visitor.
1.Evidently they feel ENTITLED ..perhaps even elite..by empirical Pharisee regarding Themselves as the Fathers Choice to be ones OVER
all others
2. Per false doctrine also.. Legalistically they view accusing a new stranger by their Look or Energy or non prefered Gender as Christ like and therefore it’s a justified show of saved Christian pure Bible authority..(?)
3. Yet I realized that I was/am not world wide famous..but they all were..and so maybe that gave them an immature reason
4. They used false accusative..unwarranted and unloving..mean disrespecting even false impure controlling authority.
To which I was modeling genuine Abiding respecting James 3:17 “pure peaceable EASILY entreated..which they were clearly not.
5. They both are guilty of “touching (albeit salt of the earth but not a bit famous..yet STILL,) God’s anointed”
6. I back then WAS but still AM a office founder (all 5 mature) not junior not a novice very pure office.
While the both of them were not founder apostles butMinistry trained associates. And they overstepped their bounds.
And when the trusty WELM (Patriarchal attack Guard) Female made the mistake of accusing and publically rebuking a seer Stranger with whom she had never once spoken.and unjustified reaming an elder full office most likely 10-20 years her senior
Then it was SHE who was “unsubmitted “to Authority..
I rest my deep south hellish accuser legalism case…
Yet once again (“Bible command..do not rebuke an elder!”)
Plus one big reason they are so full of this? Doctrinal tribe seeming illiteracy …but mainly of Common Doctrines Ephesians 4…
But perhaps that is based upon a proud mansplaining prophet lack of EORR….
Plus seemingly a Cross the board sheer ignorance of Apostle Paul as a Galatians 1:1- 2 type office(which this She really is)
And intentionally white regal office intentionally or regal clurlessly omitting all Relationship Theology ..upon which I speak and apostolic train on..if needed..in deep depth!
Sure Examples:Book of Ephesians 4, 5:21, James 3:17..Philadelphian Lovewalk Bride of Christ Church ..read book of Revelation 3:2…the ONLY leader Church whose “doors will never close” the Philadelphian Brotherly,Sisterly All About God “the faith filled Love Walk True Church ”
Many more..
When I disclose ministry instances like this it means that I have witnessed or abruptly personally encountered the same type of thing 3 or more times..around the prophetic USA
But per Gods specific word to me“If I show you something 3 or more times(since He commanded me to immerse in the grass roots and to study the many kinds of Be BornAgain leader doctrines,starting age 24).And if I cause you to see .something that hurts good people and dishonors or harms My Good Name….one,two times
just ignore it.
However when I cause You to bump into something not safe or healthy 3 or more times..then I want you to not take it personally..but as a prophet. And if 3 or more unhealthy times..then I need you to teach about that.”
(C)2020 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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