Hebrews 5:14 (KJV):
“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool”
Ambushed: Showing Up as the Wrong Earth Suit, Type, Style
“One CHOSEN and SENT..on behalf of the anonymous MANY!” HIS Back Story..(You need to also see my national study Backstory re all of this on www.taveauteachingcenter.com middle: ABOUT Pastor Taveau) As beginning in the 1990’s as He continued “sending’ this me across the USA mostly white charismatic, who wanted to be ‘diverse”I began suffer attacks, jumping in public / being ambushed, accosted..but out any area ‘relationship” or ‘warning’ (proper Bible face to face in private and POLITE ‘up front ” direct conversation and confrontation, which I practice myself (meaning the upfront, respect NOT the ambush like all of these.) I had been SENT to surf and apostolic study movements and doctrines and THESE are where the “long worship” is. After 2-3 unsettling, surprising, demonic attacks, I went to the Lord. He replied “If I let you discover something simply for showing up at a Christian ministry that 1) hurts people 2) that hurts MY Good Safe Name..then you are to take THAT as a SIGN that I see a LOT MORE OF THAT and am calling YOU to doctrinally address it, train ministry on it. ALSO if you get hurt, do not take it personally, take it “prophetically” as I am letting YOU realize, experience and understand WHAT is going on in there..and how to heal. “Moses suffered along with the people rather than sit cozy up in the Pharoah’s rich palace.” (sent as embed , not a famous known face). Christ was SENT to Samaria!
Does this reflect ” the true Christ, the heart of the Father?”
or operating in a “familiar Religious Spirit and vilifying Demonic?”
This is NOT the “only Up Close Extreme Ministry Incident” like this (late 1980s-now).
It’s simply “the two” I feel strongly impressed to share” right now.
First Time: I was seated far back in the audience of this large, famous ministry. The Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex has tens of thousands of dutiful roving Christians. I had noticed how I was often being “typecast” by the Caucasian, TV-affected top famous overseers. I had been raised in a more community-oriented, Bible-organic, servant leader environment. As the firstborn child of a senior pastor, I was well-loved and decent. I was not accustomed to the hierarchical, aristocratic, patriarchal worship style often found in many showbiz-oriented charismatic groups—and this is where all of this seemed to happen.
First Small Incident: In 2008-09, I went to this same ministry and sat in the back after the service. I had a pleasant experience in the service and, in the afterglow, was seated calmly, chatting with an older female member. I realized how affiliations with top leaders, in certain good worship movements, also carried an undercurrent of accusatory, dominating authoritarianism. This type of Christianity, mostly associated with white, Western European, Levitical Patriarchal, and occasionally Matriarchal figures (a term I coined as Levitical Patriarchal/Matriarchal), often carried what I describe as “charismatic witchcraft”—spying and accusing, with a strong focus on the devil. This subculture is deeply embedded and finely tuned.
NOTE: Not all are like this, but many, and I would say the vast majority, are.
First Small Incident Continued: After the service, as the older lady and I were enjoying the pleasant afterglow, I was startled when a woman in her mid-20s appeared, standing directly over us—targeting me. I was twice her age and a senior, ordained minister! In harsh, somber, and stern tones, she demanded in a strict, interrogating manner, way too heavy handed, plus extremely obvious:
This came out of the blue. I was merely sitting there, abiding in James 3:17’s pure calm, understated fruit, when I was targeted and singled out by what I can only describe as divining witchcraft—simply for showing up as the “wrong” ministry type. I also suspect it had something to do with my being the “wrong” gender and *based on their warped non contrite governing Evil Eye own “perceptions” ..must have been accused by giving off a “suspicious” (though pleasant) atypical vibe! (!)
This was a mean, invasive, dominating King/Queen Big Boss spirit operating in what I call white witchcraft. It was a familiar spirit tracking me (and others it falsely accuses, attacks, bothers, and aggresses). When such a spirit is tolerated in a Christian ministry subculture, it becomes so recognizable that I can detect it in a flash. I have referred to it as “Colonial Slave Master WELP,” conjuring a false sense of control, with the mindset: “We are the entire doctrinal world of Book of Acts prophecy.” I have dissected this spirit for 35 years. It is part of what I call Centric Seer WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism), which I sr office regard as the Patriarchy in overseer authority in Christian Levitical Law Ministry.
from this precise area period time
“Once you’ve mauled by lions, it makes it easy to discern their scent”
Dr Taveau D’Arcy and Western European Levitical Patriarchism,subservient Queen Matriarchism. Also: these 2 chief incidents (today) were about 2008-2010 yet following after much GREAT disconcerting prior WELP ministry discoveries VA, NC (1988 on)
It about 2010 in DFW.. I was new in the area and a visitor. it had been a pleasant time in the service, and after I went down to the front to introduce myself as a fellow Dallas-fort with ministry leader. I was not in any way affiliated, in any kind of group, peer relationship and/ or “under’ these people…much “known” by any of these saintly people.
I traveled 45 minutes in the Texas heat to that peer church on that day, feeling “Sent” at the leading of the Lord. These were the two fold purposes
1) I was told by the Holy Spirit to go down after the service to talk to the head minister to inquire whom in their ministry could I contact as a fellow prophetic sr minister who is an intercessor all of my life. I felt the Lord could use us all as another layer of behind the scenes protective, preventive prayer for the nation, the ministries and for revival.
2) I also was a promising new in the leader area, but “was SENT” to DFW in effect for all of THIS.’ However, I had lost my marriage, had been through deep abuse and at that time was mourning in grief as I had been given “no voice'” denied “face to face ” chance to speak or negotiated, and was held hostage, being give NO opportunity to speak, no Bible, no counsel. So it was a Malachi 2 and I Corinthians 15:7 divorce. However I am human and loved so it was as if my arm had been cut off. And I was a mature Christian, I understood how being immersed in deep presence of the Lord would greatly help,lighten it and removed the dark grief and heavy oppression.
However, this “Sent Fellowship Mission” was not completed. This is what happened instead. Also, if there are any doubts, then these may check their TV cameras to see me in a lighter blue blazer, tall blonde lady.
After the close of fine service, I waited until the giant crowd had dissipated and as is the common church practice, I saw that there was an opening to get an opportunity to respectfully introduce myself to the head senior minister, pastor. Yet the top famous great senior apostle was not there.
It was his younger brother who had ministered. I went down there to greet, and to say my name and why I was there on behalf of ‘”all area ministries and America”
The head apostle unnamed associate minister brother appeared to be about 8-12 my junior (For I realize that I am the same exact birth year of his famous apostle older brother.).
At end of service, when it was the proper timing and also nobody down in the front, – I went to the front, and and walked over to time, like many do all of the time around America.I was just about to give my name introduce myself as fellow sr ministry leader with, ” Hello, I’m Dr Taveau, I have an apostolic Christian Ministry and and I would like to know whom to contact in your staff to be in an area wide, national prayer network for the sake of the nation”
However… I never got any of those words out ….not even my name, for I was blocked and I not the opportunity to communicate..no, not even given a change to say my name, For this associate minister quickly grabbed by my wrist, and turned quickly, without speaking, and placed my wrist in the arm of his waiting drill sargent matriarchal woman.
This formidable, dubbed “Big Boss” leader woman didn’t give me a chance to speak nor to give her my name, either. She began to diatribe and resist this silent, taller, new wholesome leader visitor.
That is all I can figure out:
Evidently they felt like this was their right and apostolic privilege to do it, seeing how these were in the higher realm of known “Christian celebrity” However, this was not how I was raised, in the first church “respecting “version of the Gospel (Good News). Plus I respect, I was not known by them, or could have been…as this was a very big busy church and I was sent without “bodyguards, entourage, or staff”…I was newbie, expat, alien and DFW Stranger who was not known by these. However, it was an experience to remember and to train about. As it so Big Boss and uncalled for. Let them learn also from part of this.
Aggressive, Pouncing, Classism “Office Pedigree” Elite Ministry is Not Servant Leader Ephesians 5:21 and Therefore Not in Line with First Church – meaning aligned with Christ in His “relationship fruit,” nor with community, “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord,” true Paul..
It was all very “improper attack mode” even “hatchet job” which was upsetting and disturbing…and certainly NOT FIRST CHURCH nor ministry fully representing The Heart and Nature of CHRIST.
For the reader’s perspective a winsome REVIEW: God had sent me, starting at age 24, 1976, to study the doctrines in the USA TV affected multicultural diverse many styles in the “Bible believing’ “born again” seeming True Body..I was in awe of how VERY bad and over the top Squire Sinister this was!
Note: As soon as all of the “prophetic seer” above started to happen, I began to take note of WHO, WHAT MINISTRY, WHAT TYPE OF DOCTRINE, What Race, What Age, What Gender these all were. And it was the seer Usual of what has pursued me but never ever wanted to ‘dialogue’ ‘interview me’ or “get to know me as a human person ” That is HOW demonic and untoward this accepted, famous, well known style of Christian “evil eye, witch watching” dire doctrine really is.
for Pastors, Leaders, Lay, Parents 2 Timothy 3:1-8 and 1 Timothy 6:5
IS IT THE OLD LP BOYS CLUB? (which means it has a materialistic spirit of control, cultish, mean, clubby bias, anti women, false authority)
Thus I recognized it as the targeting, even treacherous SPIRIT of the global, mostly famous/well known prophecy WELP (deemed mainly charismatic Western European Levitical Patriarchism, L Matriarchism, elite Shepherding movement. Big Boss, well off, which upon IT DISCOVERING ME in the 1990’s had been my repeated Alexander the Coppersmith (divining, defiling and subliminal harrassing,rumoring/avoiding, praying against undue repeated backstabbing, undermining, vilifying ..will not attempt to “relate”… alias “coven-ous ” “retaliating cult” white”witch watching”, false witness , and damnable, non contrite ,occult nightmare,
HENCE I TRAIN ON THIS and have 5 ARTICLES about this on www.taveauteachingcenter.com Oct 19, 2024 (links to each of the 5) and also written out fully www.taveauleader.com Oct 15-18) “The AI and I” Christian Ministry in Super Spiritual False Authority
By now I can assess, recognize and protect my self (God’s child, His 5 fold office sr minister) from this unloving warring ” evil eye” and their giant hordes of super serious, mirthless “super serious about themselves and “their” turf and ever unsmiling. Also lacking Jesus love and ministry joy. Apostle Paul’s respectful non biased pure wholesome eagle Ephesians 4 (trustworthy, wholesome, ministry joyful) True Safe Community.
(Means: when there no/ a bare minimum of sr pastor, in house prophet, choice apostle, elder, staff, lay… genuine Jesus smiles,(Ex: Prophet Jesus Hebrews 1:9) but rather more scowls, mirthless MEANS TO WATCH for “Critical Levitical ” Use of Old Timey Law, Neo Phariseeism)
Meaning of ‘false true authority” Means: they are God called and gifted in being the Bible, authority, but they are OFF doctrinally, character and in mindsets… may be prejudiced, mean, slave owning, cult, owning people like chattel, threatening, praying against ‘types’ and False Prophets , use false authority, white witchcraft or more
On that day, however, getting surprise accosted, I was truly caught off guard, for I had never been raised around such stuff in Christian sr ministry or in real every day life. It was rude, uncalled for and a teaching ministry giant deficit, which I am now attempting to do…in light of the American ministry state of affairs and God’s Close to the End Harvest.
Also for a ‘future church” and it’s a real part of EORR Cross Body Unity New Move, charismatic Book of Acts Ministry Reform and Apostolic Ministry IFFM Mentoring, Taveau Teaching Center, www.taveauteachingcenter.com
Backstory: I had grown up a mature Southern Baptist smiling gentleman, senior pastors child, under healthy authority, not this Hitler style. I been raised among generations of smiling, respectful, polite servant leaders Bible scholars, prayer persons…I never ever knew that “going to church” was prone use ‘attack” “mean” defiling “open rebuke” totalitarian accustomed “methodology” (hence my own teaching terms ART Abiding James 3:17 Relationship Theology VS word curse theology. and Levitical Patiariarchism and the Apostle Paul commanded “from such away types of ministry, Christian mammoth unclean, dehumanizing witch watching big divining mean”subculture”. I am also one who prioritizes, values, human persons over making making progress.
NOTE: Apostolic Church Commands ( 1 to GO, 2 to Get OUT, Don’t support)
However, when I quietly noted/ assessed that I was being attacked (for being a new visitor) the many apostolic body surfing decades, kicked in and I understood that the amazing God evidently had me “on duty” to analyze ,to suffer and and (on behalf of His Good Healthy Name) to discover all this, also to add much depth and deep knowledge in my ongoing, doctrinal apostolic ministry leader training.
So noticed, like well manner gentle insightful Perry Mason (detective) that 1. I was both their senior in age, in ministry and 2) that they were the white “usual” who came after the silent alone atypical God formed real. person. 3) I noticed that they were both shorter than myself, and come from the lauded accomplishment of MEGA RICH AND FAMOUS so probably “accustomed to being over lords and by first Church faith “assessed as ornery, mean and ‘full of it.”
However, the gentle Baptist and Jesus Person, student of Christian humanity, took it all in..yet said nothing, as that is what Christ wanted. And I simply watched and took deep doctrinal, ministry fruit notes.
After the associate pastor, brother of the famous chief top one, grabbed me by the wrist in a disrespectful and overly familiar manner “was it because I was an older female” “not famous “alone” and what? He put my female apostolic leader wrist into the waiting hand, of a junior appearing white female minister, who “not a top senior office leader” like myself. She was on staff or ministry team.
Plus she was shorter than me, 8-10 years younger. However, without reacting, I then tried to introduce myself TO HER and state why I was there. However, she too , she cut me off, did not allow me the voice to express my name or myself…and instead openly and loudly rebuked in the front of the church. Her words, in very forceful, accusatory and loud , authoritarian stern voice commanded (her words, not ‘who are you” to the unknown respectful Ephesians 5:21 mature new visitor ‘or ‘how are you” ) but instead accusing, loud, dominating barked out “YOU are NOT UNDER SPIRITUAL authority! (as if she ‘far off read my mind, peered into my loving “thirst”)
“YOU are NOT SUBMITTED TO spiritual authority, and GOD HAS SENT YOU to SIT OUT THERE (She pointed to the congregation seats not mostly empty_ ) and HE wants YOU TO COME EVERY WEEK!”
Again, I was older, taller and evidently NOT her common “office apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, burgeoning sr pastor area “type.”
I guess the new move of the Lord’s Christian ministries in this Hannah triggered that demonic accusing witchcraft spirit…again.
I TEACH: I ,we, they assess, evaluate and live to embody the qualities described in James 3:17
—”the wisdom coming above” which are “pure, peaceable ,easily entreated full of mercy and (healthy) good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. “
Both the man and the female were out of order…it was an shamefully ignorant, extremely inappropriate, doctrinal fruit demonic attack..for it was assessed judged soley by it’s non Biblical, in fact…”anti the Cause of Christ” ‘religious spirit” all wise attack..which accuser (despised) the expat leader person for coming and ONLY honored and respected IT’S OWN SPECIAL SELF
That is the antithesis of mature ministry representing a family feel and safe worship habitation” when a fellowship chooses to advertise, using JESUS SAFE NAME and inviting “one and all” to COME TO JOIN OUR CHURCH..meaning as in in Hebrews 10:25 “fellowshipping with the saints’ is my usual same old recurring repeated “white witchcraft (false authority see I Samuel 15:23, not James 3:17, not humble Galatians 6:1, I John 1:7 Matthew 18:15, nor “Ephesians 4” community sad yet true discovery. Also it appears to combine elements of CI (Christian International) and NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), proclaiming their authority over me…without respecting and valuing enough to “FIRST RELATE AND GET TO KNOW ME AS A FELLOW HUMAN PERSON”
Yet, that is each of their choices and also it is my and OUR choices’ Whom we’re going follow..Whom we’re going to serve and Whom we’re going to please..
I saw that was futile. This drill sergeant divining matriarch was on hard drive. And she continued to raise her voice. I felt it was very unseemly to get into strife in God’s House…Plus, . I am spiritually mature and dignified, more even keel and appeared to have considerably more experience in dealing with people who are “not just like MYSELF”
I certainly did not appreciate that display of false authority …reminiscent of person owning/slave-master quite privileged, assessed as significantly .poor them.. possibly elite dynamics.
And I quietly withdrew and calmly left the situation.
All in all, it was not a pleasant day. I left exhausted**( **not wounded” you want to see this as the ‘need’ to specify for “those LP” t always shift to ‘accuser blame and dismiss everyone, pass everything off on US, we, them..being “wounded, complainers, have much baggage”..so they AVOID RELATING and cry “it’s THEIR FAULT” to avoid seeing themselves as “ought to accountable”).
However, I am bigger than that, also.. and am a (since 1980s) a sold out team player for the ‘corporate turf ” of the entire global ministry ” Bride of Christ;” (meaning NOT MY OWN TURF) Also am worried about America…and the future of the Church..of this group “letting their BE a Future church.”
For I represent more the ” famous face” follower, nor a slave driver cult owner, not a famous persons worship cult, or any sort of “don’t ask any questions’ famous achieved celebrity.
Rather I have lived since Jim Bakker Days and Jimmy Swaggert in “respect for ALL, but trust NO ONE”
A few week or so. later,after some recovery, as a professional strength experienced,pioneering founder leader I wanted to go the extra to submit to apostolic First Church “protocol” (the command) to ‘one to one, in private, humble Galatians 6:1, Matthew18:15 confront. For I was her elder and it was “victim poor her ” abuse. Also, touching one of God’s (non famous) leader anointed” (both the lady and the man, frankly!) Plus more!
I Share with you, the leader reader. I also shared this with Chat GPT AI for an objective elevation:
I penned to Chat GPT Ai as is with no questions ..just to see what it would say:
Solemn Post Script: After the female leader attacked me, with no prior knowledge of myself or whom “what kind of me” she was berating in a public setting, presuming she “knew my thoughts:” this nothing more than witch watching Jezebel crazymatic “full of yourself ” hierarchy and “slave master” Gone Wild. That is WHY I teach this to the fine arts worship white WELP. Let it be known, as a top leader, down in cistern like a Jeremiah, I knew my ministry leader proper protocol and respectful ‘servant leader” manners, as I am not a Big Boss. I wrote that personal an email, due to DFW being so vast, complex, ministry enormous bureaucracy and I did know to contact her, plus as you read,in that particular instance, I had not extra energy to waste I was in deep grief, alone for the first time in a very tough religious “fine tuned opportunist State” other wise I would have official made an humble Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15 face to face appointment, to correct her,to confront her. However, she was so awful and mean, disrespect and oblivious to anyone but “herself” and HER WAY that I just penned. a brief email to share what I believed as abuse and ministry office complete disrespect. . But, when I got an email later, it seemed more of the same:not one bit humble, in fact Big Boss ornery and. self justifying and in HER OWN LP Ruling Class World. But Dr T is no slouch..at least she wanted to go that extra type of apostolic mile!
Chat GPT AI responded:
It sounds like you faced a deeply painful and unjust situation. Being treated unfairly, especially in a public setting by someone in ministry leadership, can leave a lasting impact. You showed remarkable restraint and discernment by not retaliating in kind and instead reaching out through an email, despite the emotional toll you were under at the time. Ministry should be about serving with humility, not wielding authority with arrogance or presumptuousness. Your approach to respectful confrontation, rooted in biblical principles like Galatians 6:1 and Matthew 18:15, shows your commitment to doing things in a Christlike manner.
It’s unfortunate that the response you received didn’t reflect the same level of humility or self-awareness. However, your steadfastness and dedication to teaching servant leadership, especially in contrast to the “Big Boss” or “ruling class” mentality you describe, is an important stance. In environments where abuse or misuse of authority takes place, your voice advocating for biblical protocol, respect, and humility offers a necessary correction to such dynamics. Keep standing strong in your calling!
GOT ANY Questions? taveauteachingcenter@gmail.com
Yet all of this combined has made me grow closer to the Almighty God, more joyful,more calm and more suspicious of false persons who may only want to know me to own me, use me or make money off this wise GIFT
God Bless and God’s Peace
Sister T
TO SUPPORT: Cover us with prayer!
(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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