BUT, if you are clueless. WHO WAS “PERRY MASON?”
Find these Subtle Mysteries FREE by Google Searching.
I grew up watching the BLACK AND WHITE Perry Mason Mystery repeats, at my dear Mystery Loving Sr Pastor’s wife Mother’s knee, along with our cat, Fluffy. And even once in a while, I’ll Google to find one that maybe I’ve never seen. (Yet,by now, this is practically NEVER as I’ve seen them all,too often)
I recall that from age about 5 onward, how I repeatedly noticed how closely Trial Lawyer PERRY MASON paid attention to every nuance, facial expression, and tiny but life saving clues. Plus none of it was gorey or violent or filled with sexual perversion, back then.
But in hindsight, I was a born “perceiver-discerner” and all of this “fine tuned in depth people nuance watching” and finding tiny barely perceived clues…were just Father God getting me used to fine tune PERCEPTIVE clear Focus. (I would imagine)
Each and every person represented in every single mystery had a DECEASED difficult RELATIONSHIP. Yet prior to that, usually , there had been a big RELATIONSHIP triggering issue.
ASIDE (A.R.T. Abiding Relationship Theology: “INSIDE EACH HUMAN HEART..there’s A.R.T (Abiding Relationship Theology) Either … Christ following and under self control, good peaceful/James 3:17 relationship FRUITS…OR sneaky, angry, bedeviling, dark sinister, coveting, mean and bitter..)
Another thing, about growing up WAY BACK THEN: When I would go to wait long hours to the family doctor or dentist for my check ups, they used to have the paperback READER’S DIGEST and I remember skipping most of the articles to find the JOKES..which in another big hindsight, evidently made me prone to, a respecter of, Corny Homespun Humor..which I seem to write. Plus it got me ready for to the point modern social media, like TWITTER with it’s limits of 140 characters.
BUT…WHO TRULY KNOWS?..but I would advise tuning in a few PERRY MASONS should YOU feel a call to stir up YOUR inner PERCEIVER-DISCERNER in born God may have given gift.
PS Plus their very well written and smart, but lacking any Star Wars-esque current Sci Fi High Tech Bells and Whistles.. ..and albeit in black and white.
I would take time to GOOGLE You Tube for 3- 4 Billy Graham old black and white crusades.
This was when the USA still had a modicum of the “holy fear of the Lord’ and before societal FULL mayhem..even while there WAS partial social deep UNREST and PROTEST. SHOUTING, but not as violent and bullying..or at least I did not see the news report that back THEN..(This Day was mostly ..the EORR civil rights movement and Vietnam War Protests)
Yet I would watch each one, and note Dr Graham’s message,demeanor,actions and the crowds actions, response.
I would contrast it to what and HOW “accepting Christ” “being Eternally Saved” was represented ..and see HOW it is all being Christian represented today.
Admittedly, all this was prior to giant high tech, web, professional concert mega worship and praise..and there were zero Face Book Fans…rather there it was more about “making disciple’s”which we NOW need presently. So it’s appearance is not glossy and shiny,and it’s very Lo Tech…
YET it awesomely , genuinely and maturely represents getting MANY truly SAVED and READY FOR ALL ETERNITY.
PS AND I would recommend that YOU and I check to GUARANTEE that YOU and I are really Saved, but then if then to also go around and make SURE your Friends and Family Social Network are, also.
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserve

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