MEANING OF ABOVE: FOR SOME REASON MY DFW LEADER “ONLINE” MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP wwww.onlinefellowship.us (www.dfwleaderministryfellowship.com) which I formed in DFW area, 2015, well before Covid. I formed it from sheer desperation, the MEGA VAST AREA Frustration. due to the severe area Christian legalistic LAW (primarily witch watching/overseer shepherding, which I named (also Roman Patrician white ELITE) WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism) and now JUNE 1 TRAIN on http://www.teammateu.com


THE VERY HUMOROUS PART OF DFW LEADER (ONLINE)MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP RECEIVING  “BEST CHURCH IN PLANO” AWARD..was that when I lived in Plano, that’s where I’d found the most recurring ( prissy)WELP legalism..and OVER MUCH false teaching. HOWEVER, by the time I received notice of the AWARD..the DFW LEADER ONLINE MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP was located as coming out of MCKINNEY,TX which I found far more “relatable” “relationship interested” as well as far more prone to servant elders (The Award caused me to wonder: “ARE THERE THAT “MANY” WHO ARE SO DESPERATE FOR FREEDOM IN (AMAZING, ENORMOUS, DENSELY HUMAN POPULATED) PLANO THAT NOW THEY ARE SEEKING IT “ONLINE??!”

So I nicknamed the http://www.onlinefellowship.us as “THE ONLINE CAVE OF ADULLAM” AND “END TIME VIRTUAL CATACOMBS“..and it STILL exists OUT OF (down home, EORR, common sense WARM “Good  Neighbor”  .”Not SO COMPLEX..)  FT MILL, SC. today!

One of my 2019 Fav “Go To’s”..this was prior to leaving DFW..yet it STILL carries…amazing!


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